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At A Glance

Industry: All Clients

Travelers: 1-100, 1000 - 5000, 250 - 500, 25000 - 50000, 5000 - 10000


  • Meetings & Events were previously not registered at an event level
  • Reporting on total number of events cancelled was difficult
  • Hardship in identifying the key contact for events


  • Plan of action to handle the cancellation process
  • Revise M&E policy
  • Partnership with client to guide through change management


  • Roll out of new M&E policy
  • Communication with end users that included 10 webinars
  • M&E team available for live Q&A sessions


During this time of COVID-19, the volume of cancelled contracts was significant and as meetings and events were not registered at an event level, all contracts had to be cancelled on a one-off basis. This made it difficult to keep track of the overall impact and added much time to the process. Reporting was challenging when it came time to assess the total number of meetings cancelled and who to contact for a specific meeting or event.


Created a plan of action with all hands-on deck for the cancellation management. Once that was done, a renewed drive to revise the meetings & events policy was pursued to include registration at an event level and adding in more controls around compliance. This change included an entire change management team with critical milestones to meet the project objectives.


A robust M&E policy was rolled out holding employees accountable to the process and capturing data at the event level. Communication was critical to the success of this rollout and included 10 webinars that accommodated the different time zones. These webinars were conducted live to help address all questions and create a smooth transition to this new M&E policy.

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