A reliable pre-trip approval system makes sure bookings follow the rules and risk guidelines of your company’s travel policy compliance program. That way, you can curb high travel costs and promote safe travels. Expert Auditor™ makes all of that possible.
Talk to SalesThe best thing about it? You decide the rules, settings, and workflow since it’s completely customizable.
You choose filters such as lowest airfare alert, class preference, advance purchase, exceed rate caps for hotel and air, and more. Then customize the pre-trip approval workflow based on settings of your choice, such as role, user, or project.
Get automatic notifications of your travelers’ bookings and identify out-of-policy bookings before the ticket is issued.
Through our high-risk destination parameter, you choose your workflow based on risk level of city or country. For example, low and moderate risk levels trigger a notification while medium to extreme risk levels require an approval. Risk levels are updated regularly, thanks to our web-based tool, Travel Vitals,™ which is directly linked on all email notifications.
Create insightful reports that detail the potential and actual savings related to each trip transaction as well as the performance of your travel program overall.